Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I can take care of myself

Women have the strength and ability to defend themselves. It is too often that we (as women) are rendered pointless within the realm of our physical abilities. I believe we are strong enough as well as smart enough to learn and be able to defend ourselves.  Men are not the only ones that are able to be strong, and I know I am personally able to take care of myself. I do not need anyone to take care of me and I think more of us should feel capable to be on our own.  Also, I do not believe it is necessary for men to feel that they need to constantly take care of us and protect us as society so often stereotypes and preaches.

Maybe you would consider taking a self defense class to boost your confidence and your knowledge?

”You are confined only by the walls you build yourself”
Women as well as men in this case should feel safe knowing that they are capable of defending themselves in a frightening situation. Say you are walking home from a bar late at night and you are attacked...What would you do if you had no clue how to handle the situation? Society has this twisted idea embedded into all of our brains that men are dominant and strong while women are there to raise the children and do household work.  I want women to know that men are not always the ones that need to take care of us, we can take care of ourselves sometimes.  And I want men to know that it does not always need to be their job to be the strong dominant figure they are so often considered to be.

Here is a link to a website that offers self defense classes:

By: Jade Gilbertson