Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Technology? Enjoy the View

Throughout the years as the world developed, technology has begun to play a huge role amongst our society. And within the last decade it has, in my opinion, gotten out of control! I look all around me and all I see are people on their cell phones, students on their laptops, children on their kindles and even my friends constantly texting, tweeting, and Facebooking.  I hardly remember what it was like before…before all of it.

I have younger siblings, ages 12, 9 and 7, so when I go home to visit them I will be energized and excited to play with them and 9 out of 10 times I will find them sitting on the couch with a Kindle, Nabi, and IPod completely immersed into the current ‘app’ they are using or YouTube video they are streaming.  I am ready to play outside, go on a walk, play a board game, but they have little to no interest in any of that.  On the other hand I will be sitting at dinner with a few girlfriends that I do not see very often due to our hectic schedules and each of them will be on their phones texting or checking Facebook while I am trying to have a conversation with them! And the worst part is that I find myself making those same choices and being completely consumed by the technology this wonderfully brilliant world has provided all of us with.

Why do I find myself to be so upset? It is because we are missing it. Everything! Each of us is so ruled by the screens all around us that we barely offer a second to glance up at the world that is happening before our eyes. I realize I am taking this to the extreme but if you think about the amount of hours per day we are looking at a screen I believe you would fall off your feet with the shock of it.

Now, I understand that it is important to evolve along with the world we live in, and so I do, just as the rest of us. However, all I ask is that you take a moment to realize what you are missing. Look out your window and see the beauty of the world, notice your child take their first steps, cook and eat dinner together as a family, watch your son’s football game. Just divert your eyes from that screen that you have grown so accustomed to looking at and take a moment to enjoy the view of the incredible world we live in.

Check out these links that give some great examples of why technology might be too much of a good thing: